Program of the COMLAND Conference and COST 869 WG1 meeting in Magdeburg, Germany, 7-9 September 2009

n.a. = no abstract or pdf available yet; abs = abstract; pdf = pdf-version of presentation or poster

Abstract - pdf First or presenting author - Country / Title
* * * * * * * * * Oral presentations (programmed order)

* * * * * * * * *

Day one - Monday
abs - pdf Steve Warren - USA
Heterogeneous disturbance and biodiversity: case studies from military training areas in Germany
abs - pdf Ralph Meissner - Germany
Restoration of contaminated Elbe River floodplain soils by phytoremediation
abs - pdf Marcin Slowik - Poland
Changes of chromium and lead concentration, and possibility of its application to estimate relative age of alluvial deposits – laboratory and field experiments
abs - pdf Vesna Zupanc - Slovenia
Complex field experiment for nitrate migration processes studies in the plant-soil-groundwater system of Ljubljana Field
abs - pdf Laslo Kuti - Hungary
Research on salinization and natural desalinization by the ”BFK” method developed for the analysis of the superficial formations on the Great Hungarian Plain
abs - n.a. Gudrun Abbt-Braun - Germany
Water quality trends in the river Volga and its tributaries Oka and Moskva at Nizhny Novgorod and Kolomna
abs - pdf Höpke Andresen - Germany
Phosphorous in water, sediment and porewater of the rivers Moskva and Oka (Russia)
abs - pdf Jannes Stolte - Norway
Snow and snowpack dynamics: effects on catchment hydrology in Norway
abs - pdf Ovidio Iacobescu - Romania
Aerial image use in the spatial variability analysis of degradation forms in North Eastern Romania
abs - pdf Efim Frisman - Russia
Floodplains and riverbeds transformation of the Russian Amur-river left-bank inflows under urbanization
abs - pdf John Quinton - UK
Linking soil to simulations and lab to the land: can new technologies unravel the mysteries of sediment transport?
abs - pdf Hong Quan Nguyen - Germany
An operational model for nutrient dynamics during flood events under anthropogenic impacts in a small mountainous catchment
abs - pdf Grant McTainsh - Australia
Discriminating accelerated from natural wind erosion at continental scale in Australia
abs - pdf Claudia Hiepe - Italy
Soil degradation by water erosion at the regional scale – current and future problems in Benin, West Africa
abs - pdf Luncedo Ngcofe - South Africa
Can land degradation be predicted? A case study of Qoqodala in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
abs - n.a. I. Machmachi - Morocco
Multi-approaches to estimate the rate and source of land degradation in a micro-catchment: the Hannanet catchment, Sehoul, Rabat region, Morocco
abs - n.a. Sheick Sangare - Burkina Fasso
Vertical nutrient fluxes in soils of urban agriculture: a study of N, P, K and Pesticides leaching in Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)
abs - pdf Anna Klose - Germany
Impact of “Global Change” on soil erosion risk - scenario analysis for the semi-arid Drâa catchment (South Morocco)
abs - pdf Manoj Menon - UK
N2O fluxes from Kalahari sands after simulated light and heavy rainfall

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Day two - Tuesday
abs - pdf Rattan Lal - USA
Opportunities and challenges in sequestering carbon dioxide through restoring desertified lands
abs - pdf Andrew Thomas - UK
Controls on the magnitude and source of soil organic carbon respired after simulated rainfall in the Kalahari
abs - n.a. Gudrun Gisladottir - Iceland
The significance of climate change and land use on ecosystem health and terrestrial carbon in Western Iceland
abs - pdf Ádam Kertész - Hungary
Conservation agriculture as a tool against soil degradation and for improving biodiversity
abs - pdf Peter Fiener - Germany
Evaluation of a dynamic multi-class sediment transport model in catchments under soil conservation agriculture
abs - pdf Owen Graham - Australia
KURNELL 2020 – Land rehabilitation and partnerships
abs - pdf Csaba Centeri - Hungary
Soil loss calculated under different crops in the Sósi Creek watershed, Hungary
abs - pdf Micha Gebel - Germany
Modeling of long-termed nutrient retention in surface waters in Saxony
abs - pdf Andrea Vacca - Italy
AGISGRID: an extensible platform to support soil management and soil use
abs - pdf Wim Chardon - The Netherlands
COST Action 869 - Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface water and groundwaters
abs - pdf Claudia Hahn - Switzerland
Assessing phosphorus losses from soil and manure to enhance predictions of critical source areas
abs - pdf Daniel Fiala - Czech Republic
Leaving fields and reaching streams - phosphorus emitted from exclusively agricultural headwaters
abs - pdf Rothem Sade - Israel
Evaluation of groundwater and phosphorus transport in fractured altered wetland soils
abs - pdf Leszek Hejduk - Poland
Nutrient and sediment transport in a small lowland rural river

* * * * * * * * *

Day three - Wednesday
abs - pdf Caroline van der Salm - The Netherlands
A simple approach to identify critical source areas for phosphorus leaching. Validation on Dutch and Danish sites
abs - pdf [Andrea Wagner] / Gregor Ollesch - Germany
Modelling phosphorous exports from small catchments
abs - pdf Istvan Sisák - Hungary
Predicting soil erodibility for a research model
abs - pdf Stefan Halbfaß - Germany
Estimation of critical source areas and spatial distributed SDR for quantifying sediment discharge of surface waters in mesoscale
abs - pdf Chantal Gascuel-Odoux - France
A plot tree structure to represent surface flow connectivity in rural catchments and facilitate landscape management and water protection
abs - pdf Marcus Schindewolf - Germany
Modeling of phosphorous transport into surface water bodies on regional and catchment scale – a study for Saxony
abs - pdf Joel Dahné - Sweden
Swedish hydrological predictions for the environment (S-HYPE) - national process-based modelling tool to support water authorities with nutrient scenarios in catchments and the coastal zone
abs - pdf Piet Groenendijk - The Netherlands
Assessment of unfertilized field strip efficiency by analytical models for linking soil surface source zones to surface water receptor zones
n.a. - pdf Erwin van Boekel - The Netherlands
Ex ante evaluation agriculture and WFD
abs - pdf Marianne Bechmann - Norway
Efficient mitigation of P losses by focusing on high risk areas

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Posters presented (in alphabetic order of presenting author)
abs - n.a. Abdulfatah Aboufayed - Lybia
Nutrient content in Irish rainfall water
abs - n.a. Muhammad Rehan Anis - Germany
Temporal disaggregation of rainfall data for climate change studies
abs - pdf Seyed Asgharpour - Iran
Badlands created by water erosion in Zonouz valley in Iran
abs - pdf Daniela Dana - Romania
Degradation of water quality in Ciubul Vulturilor reservoir as effect of erosion
abs - n.a. Daba Fall - Senegal
Salinity and salinization: A dry environmental degradation process in Senegal
abs - n.a. Martin Frey - Switzerland
Review of predicting tools for “contributing areas”
abs - pdf Johanna Frings - Germany
Nutrient retention and transformation in shallow groundwater
abs - pdf G. Jakab - Hungary
The contribution of gully erosion in total soil loss at catchment scale
abs - pdf Barbara Kerék - Hungary
Geological aspects of erosion vulnerability
n.a. - pdf Stefan Kramer - Germany
Re-inspection of results for nonpoint source pollution processes in the Schäfertal after five more years of field work
abs - pdf Emily Mutota - Namibia
A feasibility study for an International Year of Landcare
abs - pdf Lillian Řygarden - Norway
Winterwheat- increased erosion during winter period in Norway
n.a. - pdf Frido Reinstorf - Germany
Schäfertal, Harz Mountains, Germany
abs - pdf Evaggelos Rokos - Greece
Submarine water discharge detection, near urban areas in Greece using ASTER and LANDSAT images
abs - n.a. Sandra Schönemann - Germany
Effects of vegetated buffer strips on nutrient emission – a comparison study at sub-catchment scale
abs - pdf Piotr Skowron - Poland
Anthropogenic sources of nutrients emission for the Bystrzyca river basin (preliminary results in first year of investigation)
abs - n.a. V.A. Varlamov - Russia
Snow melting, surface runoff and degradation of soil
abs - pdf M.P. Volokitin - Russia
Evalution of degradation of some agrophysical properties of the gray forest soils
abs - n.a. Monier Morad Wahba - Egypt
Improving the availability of potassium from feldspar in sandy and calcareous soils, Egypt